What Is Roulette Payout?

There are few casino games more exciting than roulette and the potential to make a big profit on a small bet is what draws many players in. However, understanding the odds of winning is crucial to making a wise decision about how much to bet and what bets to place. This article will help explain what is roulette payout, how the odds are calculated and the different bet types.

Roulette is a simple game with rules that are easy to learn. The table consists of a wheel with slots for numbers 1 to 36, and either one or two slots for zeros (depending on whether the game is American style with a double-zero or European style with just one). Once all bets are placed, a dealer will spin the wheel in one direction and then throw a small marble-sized ball into it. The ball will land into one of the marked slots, determining which bets receive a payout.

Bets are divided into two categories — inside and outside bets. Inside bets have a lower probability of winning, but pay out more often. They include straight bets, which bet on a single number and offer the highest payout at 35-1. Split bets, which bet on two adjacent numbers, for example 8 and 9, have a 17-1 payout. Street bets, which cover two adjoining rows of numbers, such as 5, 6, and 8, have a payout of 11-1. Corner bets, which bet on four adjacent numbers, for example 8, 9, 11, and 12, have a payout of 8-1.

Outside bets have a higher probability of winning, but pay out less frequently. They include the coloured bets of red and black, plus the odd/even bets. The odds for these bets are based on the overall distribution of the numbers on the wheel, and are calculated as p 18 (36 – n). Depending on the roulette table layout, there may also be a bet on 0 or 00, which have a payout of 0.0270 or 0.0263 respectively.

Besides these bets, there are also a few other types of bets that offer unique odds. For instance, the five-number bet pays out 6:1, but has a 7.9% house edge. This means that it will lose you money in the long run, so avoid placing this bet.

The best way to understand the odds of winning in roulette is to use a betting calculator. These tools are available for free online and can be used on any betting site that offers the game. They will provide you with an accurate representation of the odds for each type of bet, so you can plan your bankroll accordingly. Alternatively, you can use the La Partage rule, which is an advantage of some European casinos that gives customers 50 per cent back on even chance bets when they win. This reduces the house edge to 1.35%.